Odesa August 9-16 2020.
At XX Gamov international astronomical conference in Odesa I made a presentation of my new book "Foundations and consequences of relativistic thermodynamics". However Odesians not only refused to publish my articles in "Odesa astronomical publications", but also again (as it was in 2004) even did not place on their web site the abstracts of my reports (that I presented for these articles), in which I justified the unnecessity of such misunderstandings as "dark non-baryonic matter" and "dark energy" in the Universe. And this is despite the fact that I preliminary agreed the texts with organization commitee of the conference. How, after all, Vasily Klyuchevsky was right when he said:
“Under the Byzantine influence we were the slaves of foreign faith, under the West-European influence we became the slaves of foreigh thought”.
Lutsk - lake Svityaz' June 01-05 2021.
At 4th International conference "Actual Problems of Fundamental Science".
e-mail: pavlodanylchenko@gmail.com